
Lagoons designed and constructed by Moore Engineering's Civil Sector

Strasburg, North Dakota – Wastewater Treatment Facility


The City of Strasburg was grandfathered in when mandatory changes came down from the EPA and NDDEQ regarding wastewater treatment. Strasburg’s existing sanitary sewer collection system discharged wastewater into an adjacent 90-acre lake. This violated the new standards but was exempted until a funded project could be completed.


In 2019, a project to construct a proper wastewater treatment facility, consisting of 3 new facultative lagoons was put into motion. Plan prep began in 2021, bidding was done in 2022 and the project is scheduled for completion in 2024. The sizing of the new wastewater lagoons took into consideration the population of the City of Strasburg and how much wastewater the city generates. Moore Engineering worked with Strasburg to attain a 90% grant to design and construct a proper, 3-cell facultative lagoon system that will treat wastewater over 540 days, before discharge into an adjacent wetland.


A 1-mile force main was installed and connected to 3 new lagoon cells that were constructed 1.5 miles to the east of Strasburg. 100,000 cubic yards of earth were moved, compacted & placed for the 3 new lagoon cells. Each wastewater lagoon cell is approximately 3 acres in size. The project received 90% grant funding from various entities, due to the necessity of the project. The new wastewater lagoon system will meet the requirements of the NDDEQ and EPA. Moore Engineering provided project planning, report writing, environmental, design engineering, bidding, surveying, project management, and construction engineering services for the project.

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