Redpath Impoundment
The Mustinka River (JD #14) experiences widespread flooding caused by spring snowmelt runoff events. Inadequate capacity and snow blockages cause massive backups of flood water and significant breakouts near the project. These breakouts flow overland, contributing to peak flows along the Rabbit River while overtopping roads, washing out bridges and culverts, eroding fields, and threatening rural homes.
The Project includes a three-square mile impoundment and rehabilitation of the Mustinka River that functions as a bypass corridor, and consists of ten major design features:
- An approach channel
- Impoundment inlet structure
- Impoundment inlet channel
- Impoundment levees
- Outlet structure/primary spillway
- Auxiliary spillway
- Two earthen overflow spillways
- Bypass inlet structure
- Bypass corridor channel
- Realignment of Traverse County Ditch No. 35.
The existing JD #14 channel leading to the impoundment will be widened between Minnesota State Highway 9 and the impoundment inlet. This segment of ditch will become the approach channel to the impoundment and its improved capacity will allow for greater efficiency in delivering floodwaters to the Project, thereby reducing breakouts along this corridor and upstream.
After decades of project development, this project for the region is currently under construction and is anticipated to be completed in 2026.