
libson airport project

Lisbon, ND – Airport Hangar site development


The Lisbon airport, like other small general aviation airports, needed base aircraft to keep their operation vibrant and active. Having a strong population of pilots and planes on the airport was key to the survival and future of this small, non-commercial air field. For this reason, the Lisbon Airport Authority realized the need to provide hangar space to attract pilots to this airport.


Moore Engineering developed a hangar site that follows the airport layout drawings and previous planning documents approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. Working with the authority, it was decided the best structure to construct would be a nested T-hangar, an efficient use of space. The dimensions were 60-feet by 115-feet with bi-fold doors on each side of the building.

Project Outcome

The estimated completion date for the hangar project is by September 2015. The airport is home to 4,200 operations per year.

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