
|city of wheaton project

Wheaton, MN – Lift station upgrade and sanitary sewer replacement


The City of Wheaton had an aging sanitary sewer system. The system exhibited excessive amounts of infiltration and inflow and its old clay tile pipe was in very poor condition. During the spring of the year, there were several occasions when direct bypassing of the city’s main lift station of sewage occurred resulting in discharge of raw sewage to the Mustinka River. A stipulation agreement between the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the city required elimination of these bypasses. The pumping rate of the lift station needed to be increased significantly.


Moore Engineering set up the project with a two-phase construction approach. They first replaced the existing pumps in the lift station and designed an additional force main to the city’s treatment site. The second phase of the project included sanitary sewer replacement and street reconstruction including portions of a county road. The sanitary sewer replacement occurred in most areas of the city.

Project Outcome

The improvements nearly quadrupled the pumping capacity of the lift station to approximately 2,000 gpm. Since making improvements, there has been no bypassing of the city’s main lift station. The corrective action plan as required by the stipulation agreement has been a success. The city’s sanitary sewer system has been completely rehabilitated to limit the amount of infiltration and inflow entering the system.

In addition, Moore Engineering assisted the city in obtaining creative funding to make the project affordable to the local residences and businesses. The 2010 phase of the project was constructed with grants and loans through the recent Federal Stimulus Funding Package. The 2012 phase was funded with grants and loans through the Clean Water Revolving Loan Program.


Funding – Lift Station
CWRLP: $900,000

Funding – Phase 2
CWRLP Grant: $412,000
CWRLP Loan: $1,648,000

Funding – Phase 3
CWRLP Grant: $1,598,000
CWRLP Loan: $802,000

Total Cost

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