
casselton street resurfacing project

Casselton, ND – Street Resurfacing & Reconstruction


The City of Casselton’s streets were over 20 years old and in need of resurfacing and reconstruction. Streets surrounding the city hall were in total disrepair. Many areas across the city had failing subgrade and pavements, drainage issues along curbs and valley gutters and an overall unappealing appearance. There were multiple areas in need of spot repair patching, full-depth pavement replacement (both asphalt and concrete), crack sealing, curb and gutter jacking and replacement, valley gutter replacement, mill and overlay, sidewalk ADA upgrades and chip seal.
The street work was to be carefully coordinated with the sewer main replacements. The city’s existing sewer system was also in need of repair due to high infiltration and inflow from old vitrified clay pipe sewer mains.


Moore Engineering completed a detailed street survey to assess the existing pavement conditions and to determine the location and type of required street repairs. Each street block was identified to have a chip seal, asphalt mill and overlay or a full replacement depending on the condition or work to be completed on the sewer mains. Although the project was not intended to correct drainage issues, Moore Engineering identified numerous areas of curb had sunk and were creating water ponding. Moore suggested a non-destructive method of improvement involving the raising of these curbs.

The sewer mains were video inspected to determine which sections could use cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), which is a trenchless technology that installs a new pipe inside the old pipe with virtually no physical disturbances to the street surface and minimal impact to traffic. Areas where CIPP was unfeasible to install were identified to be replaced with new polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, including the sanitary sewer services to the homes. Manholes were also visually inspected and identified for specific repairs to the castings, rings, barrel walls and inverts of the manholes, which included a spin-cast technology that rehabilitates the manholes with a new coating of mortar and epoxy to provide additional service life.

Moore Engineering identified portions of the project that were eligible to be financed with a low interest loan through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program administered by the North Dakota Department of Health (NDDOH).

Project Outcome

Moore Engineering completed the detailed Engineer’s Report on project cost and scope based on the detailed street survey and video inspections of sewers, conducted a public informational meeting, completed the design, prepared detailed plans and specifications, and coordinated the bidding process through the award of a contract. Moore Engineering prepared the CWSRF application for funding and administered all funding pay requests and completed all closeout documentation required by the NDDOH for the funding program. Moore Engineering provided a full time Resident Project Representative that produced daily construction logs, photos, weekly quantity reports, and pay estimates on a monthly basis. The Project Engineer and Resident Project Representatives worked with the Contractor to minimize disturbances and notify residents and businesses of projected construction activity ahead of construction. Moore Engineering created a project blog to provide project information and updates to residents and businesses on an as-needed basis, which was accessibly through the City website and Moore Engineering’s website. A majority of the residential and commercial streets in town were upgraded with improved drainage. The older sewer mains throughout the city were upgraded to an estimated minimum 50 year design life with CIPP or 100 year design life with PVC.


  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund: $2,590,000
  • City Bond: $3,465,000
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