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New England Infrastructure 10/20/15 Update

The water main has been completely replaced along with the water services.  All of the water main, water services, and hydrants that were part of the project have been installed. 

The crews are now working hard on grading and shaping the streets for paving before snow starts to fall.  A portion of the streets have had their base course installed and will have their wear course (or top 2”) of asphalt installed when the paving crews come back in to town.

Concrete crews are also working on rebuilding the curb and gutter where services where installed, as well as installing valley gutters to help aid storm water flow throughout the City.  The crews are planning on getting all services backfilled before the end of the construction season.

The project is scheduled to be substantially complete by November 15th.  Remaining work over the winter will include installing water meters in homes throughout New England.  Next spring, the contractor will return to seal coat all of the streets that were installed as part of the project.

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