FAQ: Kindred – Newport Ridge

FAQ: Kindred – Newport Ridge

This page provides residents answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). We will continue to update this page based on the questions we receive.

How much will this project cost me?

Preliminary special assessments have been estimated and apportioned among the 5 phases of Newport Ridge. A map of the 5 phases can be seen here. Residents of Newport Ridge can expect the following approximate special assessment costs based upon the average lot size.

Phase 1: $39 monthly cost or total cost of $8,859 if paid in one-time lump sum
Phases 2-4: $56 monthly cost or total cost of $13,011 if paid in one-time lump sum
Phase 5: $337 monthly cost or total cost of $79,829 if paid in one-time lump sum.

These estimates are still preliminary, as they are based on the contractor’s Bid. The final monthly cost for each resident will be based on the cost of the actual work completed and then apportioned by the Special Assessment Commission. There will be a special assessment process that will take place in 2025 to determine the exact cost per property for the project. Information on that process will be provided when it starts in 2025.

When will I be paying for this project? 

The special assessments are expected to be certified by November of 2025, and the first yearly payment will appear on your 2025 tax statement due in the first quarter of 2026. Residents can choose to pay their special assessments in a one-time payment to the City Auditor once the special assessment amounts are finalized towards the end of 2025.

How will I receive my mail? 

Mail will be delivered as usual. If your mailbox needs to be removed to complete the project, it will be reinstalled in a temporary location to maintain mail service.

How will my garbage and recycling be handled? 

Garbage and recycling will be collected as usual. Residents should continue to place bins at the end of their driveways for collection. The contractor will dispose of garbage and recycling if Waste Management is unable to collect bins. 

What happens if I have an emergency when the street is closed? 

In the event of an emergency, call 911. The contractor will prioritize assisting emergency services with access to your residence.  For personal emergencies not requiring emergency services, contractors are usually willing to make reasonable accommodations for access if you request it. 

How will my grass be restored? 

Grassed areas that are disturbed by construction activity will be regraded, seeded, and hydromulched. The Contractor will be paid to water your grass and spray for weeds periodically until grass has been established, but you are encouraged to also water your grass if you want to expedite grass establishment. 

Who should I contact if I have additional questions? 

Please fill out the information below if you have additional questions about the project. Someone from the Project Team will contact you.

Please complete the short form below if you have additional questions.

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