Traill County, ND – Moen Drain No. 27 Improvement & Extension
This project included an improvement and extension of Moen Drain No. 27, an existing legal drain in Traill County. The purpose of the project was to increase the hydraulic capacity of the existing legal drain and road ditch to accommodate a 10-year rainfall design event.
Several private utilities, including single- and three-phase electrical lines, rural water distribution lines, fiber optic cables, and other miscellaneous communication lines, were affected by the project and needed to be relocated prior to channel construction.
The project also required a large coordination effort with the Traill County Highway Department since the project crossing County Road 17 at four separate locations.
Moore Engineering assisted the Traill County Water Resource District in the preliminary design of the project, conducted numerous informational meetings with the public to inform them of the project features and cost, and directed the public hearing for the assessment district vote.
Moore Engineering performed the final channel and culvert crossing design, project cost estimating, utility relocation coordination, construction survey, project construction inspection, and contract administration. Moore Engineering worked closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to determine the wetland elevation on the west end of the project.
Moore Engineering also provided construction staking for individual utility companies to ensure the correct placement and depth of the relocated utilities during construction. On-site meetings, telephone conference calls, and other office meetings were held to develop final cost estimates for utility relocation, develop a schedule for each utility’s work, and prepare utility agreements for the work.
Project Outcome
The newly reconstructed drain provides local landowners with an adequate drainage facility to maximize their crop production. The wetland control feature allows continuous traffic across the township road that previously would overtop due to the lack of an outlet to the wetland.
North Dakota State Water Commission, County of Traill, Project Assessment District