
Oberon, ND – Lift Station Replacement


The City of Oberon needed to replace its existing sanitary sewer lift station due to the age and condition of the existing sanitary sewer lift station. They teamed up with Moore Engineering secure funding, complete the design and oversee construction of the project.


The contractor installed a new sanitary sewer lift station wet well, check valve manhole, controls, and other miscellaneous items on site.  The existing lift station structure was used as a manhole and now redirects flow in to the new lift station.


Moore Engineering worked with the city to secure a Community Development Block Grant to cover approximately 30 percent of the project cost. The remaining cost will be covered with a low-interest loan from the North Dakota Department of Health Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. The new lift station is now in place and the updated controls and pumps are running much more efficiently.  The city’s public works superintendent is very happy with the results.

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