Mayville, ND – Sewer & Water Improvements
Mayville faced some serious water and wastewater issues, including frequent water line breaks, low water pressure, high fire rating, and inadequate sewage treatment and sewer collection-resulting in sewer back-ups in homes. Plus, the water treatment plant didn’t meet safe drinking water standards. Finally, finding the money to make needed improvements was a big challenge.
As a partner with Mayville for more than 12 years, Moore Engineering worked with the city to find economical solutions. Moore developed a variety of funding sources and used technology to reduce cost and construction time and provide better quality drinking water for the region.
As a result of the improvements, 100 blocks of old cast iron water mains and 93 blocks of vitrified clay tile sanitary sewer mains were replaced or upgraded. As part of this project, all of the asphalt streets in town were replaced as well.
Today, Mayville has a safe, reliable water system, updated sanitary sewer collection and treatment system, and a lower fire rating. And residents no longer have to deal with sewer back-ups.