Dilworth, MN – 7th Street NE Reconstruction
The existing 7th Street roadway in Dilworth, MN, consisted of an approximately 26’ wide rural section roadway constructed in the 1970s. The roadway was failing in many areas, was not properly lit, and maintenance costs were increasing every year. The drainage along the corridor was provided by an open ditch that was not easy to maintain. In addition, as the main corridor for traffic in the heavily residential area, there were inadequate facilities to promote safe movements for pedestrians.
Moore Engineering provided design and construction services for the City of Dilworth to reconstruct 1 mile of the rural section roadway from Highway 10 to the north into a 37-foot wide urban section. The project included water main improvements to improve the water distribution system circulation and fire flow capacity, sanitary sewer improvements provided flow relief for the Orchard lift station by intercepting a portion of the flows, and drainage improvements were achieved through curb and gutter, storm sewer installation and closure of the existing ditches. Sidewalks, multi-use paths, and lighting improvements were added along the corridor to promote safe travel for pedestrians. Moore Engineering assisted the City in the application for LRIP funding from the State which helped offset the project costs by $1.25M. The project design began in 2021 and construction was completed in 2023.
This project greatly improves the traffic movements at the Highway 10 intersection by adding a left-turn lane, enhancing the pedestrian facilities with lighting and path improvements, and greatly reduces the burden of the maintenance efforts for the corridor by replacing aging infrastructure and providing for improvements that are easier to maintain going forward.