
Buffalo/Lynchburg, ND Ditch Retrofit


The Buffalo-Lynchburg Channel had received minor, infrequent maintenance since its construction in 1961. This natural waterway was channelized by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and turned over to the County for management. The channelization project eventually resulted in failing side slopes, erosion at field inlets and sediment build up in the channel. The eroding and migrating channel was also encroaching onto farmyard levees and adjacent utilities.


Moore worked with the Maple River Water Resource District and landowners to develop an assessment district to pay for projects and a plan to stabilize the Buffalo-Lynchburg Channel, while also providing water quality enhancements. Continuous berms were constructed adjacent to the channel to direct flow to field inlet culverts to minimize sediment transport. This required working with landowners to acquire additional right-of-way to widen the channel, due to flatter side slopes. In addition, Moore coordinated with agencies including the NRCS, US Army Corp of Engineers and Office of the State Engineer to develop a project that was feasible and properly permitted, while not affecting adjacent landowners’ eligibility for the farm program.



Phases I and II of the project resulted in the reconstruction and stabilization of approximately five miles of the original SCS project and replaced three aging bridges with reinforced concrete box culverts in collaboration with Cass County Highway Department requirements. These improvements provided a direct benefit to the agricultural producers in the watershed and aquatic resources. The improved stability benefits adjacent residences and utilities, while reducing maintenance costs and improving water quality. Plans are in place for future phases to continue this project along the entire length of the Lynchburg channel.

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