Otter Tail County, Minn – Lake Outlet Project (11/20/17 Update)
Construction contracts are signed and contractors have started. The site for the pump station is cleared and they will be starting de-watering operations. The de-watering system will hopefully discharge into Little McDonald Lake prior to the lake freezing. If it isn’t completed by freeze, the area will be marked because of unsafe ice conditions. In terms of project progress in the coming months, here’s what we can expect:
- They are planning to get the underground portion of the pump station (excluding the actual pumps) installed by early December. Further construction will be on hold until late winter or spring.
- Clearing and grubbing activities along the pipeline may begin over the winter, but they will not start with the installation of any of the pipe until spring.
- Lakes Region Power is planning to work on the installation of the power supply line over the winter. This will be a new underground line that will be installed along the west side of East Little McDonald Drive. They may be contacting residents along this route to acquire additional right of way.
- The LMKP portion of the project will connect with a pipeline that will be shared with the Devils-Little Devils LID and work on that portion of the project is expected to begin in December. The contracts require the entire project to be operational in August of 2018.