FAQ: Kindred – Newport Ridge Construction

Phase 1 Street Improvements, Phase 5 Residential Development, Sheyenne Street Improvements, and Sanitary Lift Station Improvements

Frequently Asked Questions

This page provides residents answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). We will continue to update this page based on the questions we receive.

How much will this project cost me?

When will I be paying for this project? 

Will I have access to my property during construction?

Access to your property will be generally unrestricted during construction. 
Certain construction activities such as underground utility work, replacement of curbs and gutters, and driveway replacement will cause a short-term interruption to your property access. The Contractor is required to directly communicate to property owners when access is restricted.

Will my water be shut off during construction? 

Water service is not expected to be interrupted. At times, unforeseen circumstances may require a water interruption, but the Contractor is required to attempt to avoid disruptions that last longer than 4 hours.

Please complete the short form below if you have additional questions.

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